Lindy-Hop in Nürnberg und Erlangen

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Lindy-Hop Erlangen: Fwd: Swing Newsletter - Andrew Sutton (USA) in München

Chronological Thread 
  • From: lindy-erlangen AT
  • To: "Verteiler " <lindy-erlangen AT>
  • Subject: Lindy-Hop Erlangen: Fwd: Swing Newsletter - Andrew Sutton (USA) in München
  • Date: Sat, 01 Aug 2009 08:06:17 +0200
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: "Lindy-Hop Tanzkreis in Erlangen bei der ESG." <>

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

anbei nochmal der aktuelle Swing-Newsletter von Christine v. Scheidt für

Der Andrew Sutton-Workshop läuft zwar, der Newsletter ist dennoch
interessant, da Andrew für Kurzentschlossene noch Montag und Dienstag für
Privatstunden zur Verfügung steht und da es Links gibt, wo man sich mal
Andrews Können angucken kann.

Der Mann ist nicht besonders groß - aber goßartig!

In diesem Sinne: schönes Wochenende!

Lieber Gruß


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 17:22:14 +0200
Von: Christine von Scheidt
<christinevonscheidt AT>
andrea.ness AT
CC: Swing and the City Newsletter
<swingandthecity AT>
Betreff: Swing Newsletter - Andrew Sutton (USA) in München


Dieses Wochenende - Andrew in München!

* HEUTE: Freitag, 31.07.: 19:30 Uhr - HM Bigband (Fachhochschule,
Bastian Pausch)*
Hochschul-Sommerfest, Innenhof Lothstraße 34, 19.30-22 Uhr
Sommerfest der Fachhochschule - Eintritt frei, Getränke und Essen zu
Kein Tanzboden - Straßenschuhe! Sehr Tänzerfreundliche Band!
Anschließend ab 22.30 Uhr *schonmal kleine *Vorher Einweihung *in
meinem* neuen Studio, dem Cats' Corner, *
Dachauer Str. 36-38, im Hinterhof. Die* Nachher Party *findet dann am*
28. August *statt :*-)
Andrew steht Montag und Dienstag auch noch für *Privatstunden *zu
Verfügung, Preis pro Stunde 100EUR
Anfragen bitte über 0172-6756376

Hier auch noch ein paar kleine Video Schmankl von Andrew:

Dogpile - 3 person circus spoof on Lindy Hop

You can't take that away from me (2 guys stealing a girl)

Fusion Dancing

Wenn Du noch mehr sehen willst, kannst Du auch direkt auf seine Seite gehen.

Classic Lindy Hop Choreography (and click "US Open 00")

Oder auch jedes Andere :-)

**31. Juli - 2. August, Workshop mit Andrew Sutton -
Nur noch 1 Platz für einen Herren am Samstag oder 2 Personen am Sonntag

***Sa: 1. Aug:** 11:00-17:00 Uhr - All Levels

** **1. Class: The Beauty of Doing Nothing*
Most of us move more often than we need or mean to. This class is
designed to show you how doing less movement in your dancing will allow
for so much more to happen!
*2. Class: Small Dips & Tricks*
This class will stress the actual lead and follow for some basic lifts,
drops or tricks. You'll leave with a better understanding of how to
create moves displacing your partners' weight. You'll also increase the
connection between you and your partner on the regular social dance
floor. This is a rotating class so you don't need a partner.
*3**. Class: Things that make your partner go Hmmm...*
For the Follows, this class will teach several different "tricks" that
follows can do to make the lead think she is more creative and fun to
dance with. For the Leads, this class will teach you how to be receptive
to your partner and how to make up moves of your own on the spot by
working with your follow and her movement.
*4. Class: Fun Lindy Moves (with good technique)*

*So: 2. Aug: 11:00 - 17:00 Uhr** Int / Advanced ****
**1. Class: 101 Styles of Connection *
Those of you that have already danced a lot with partners from other
dance scenes will know that there are many ways to lead and
follow. Dancing Relaxed or with Tension, Using Body Leads or Arm Leads,
In Counterbalance or Not, these are just some of the things that start
to change the style of your dance. In this class you will learn to
understand when to use some of these different techniques, how to switch
between them, and also how to react to a partner who is dancing with a
specific technique.
*2. Class: **Musicality - It's ain't what'cha do, it's the way that'cha
do it*
Whether you are a beginner hearing about feeling the music for the first
time or you are an advanced dancer always looking for new ways to become
even more musical, this class will teach you some creative, easy, and
fun ways to increase your musicality.
*3. Class: That Extra Something Special*
You know when you watch someone who has been dancing for a long time and
they just seem to have something special that makes them seem to move
more gracefully then newer dancers. This class will get you moving more
fluidly by discussing detailed techniques on continuous momentum and
giving you some challenging drills that you can do to dramatically
increase your ability to move with grace, balance, and precision when
executing your movements.
*4. Class: **Making Your Night Out Dancing Amazing*
Sometimes you go out dancing and the energy in the room is amazing!
Other nights at the same venue, with the same people, and the same
music, sometimes it is just NOT amazing at all. This class will teach
you the things that can make your night (and many other people's nights)
change from not so great to "Remember the time when we..., Wow, that was
one heck of a night!"

1 Tag: 45/65EUR , 2 Tage: 110/ 95EUR Gneisenaustr. 16, München
* ermäßigter Preis für Studenten, AYCD und Frühbucher (bei Anmeldung und
Bezahlung bis zum 15. des Vormonats)

Sagt Bescheid, wenn Ihr noch Unterkunft braucht - wir haben viele nette
Swingtänzer hier, die Euch gerne aufnehmen.

*Samstag, 01.08.: 20 Uhr - Boogie-Bären-Sommerfest am Feringasee*
Swing und Boogie mit den Boogie-Bären & Freunden. Bei schlechtem Wetter
im Vereinsheim.
Tanzboden vorhanden!

SwingSalabim wünscht Euch Christine! <>

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sicherer, schneller und einfacher!
Swing and the City Newsletter
chris AT
Abonniert als:
andrea.ness AT
Abbestellen unter:

  • Lindy-Hop Erlangen: Fwd: Swing Newsletter - Andrew Sutton (USA) in München, lindy-erlangen, 08/01/2009

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