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Re: [SCTP-Discussion] Path failure management

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Andreas Jungmaier <ajung AT>
  • To: discussion AT, "Marjan Bozinovski" <marjanb AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SCTP-Discussion] Path failure management
  • Date: Wed Jul 18 13:52:02 2001
  • List-id: SCTP Discussions <>
  • Organization: University of Essen, Germany

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday, 18. July 2001 07:14, Marjan Bozinovski wrote:
> But, I can't find the line where the value of RTO_Min is set to be 1 sec.
> Can you describe the action to be taken in more detail?

In the beginning, a so-called SCTP instance is created, which contains
default values for certain SCTP parameters. In function
sctp_registerInstance(unsigned short port,
unsigned short noOfInStreams,
unsigned short noOfOutStreams,
unsigned int noOfLocalAddresses,
unsigned char localAddressList[][SCTP_MAX_IP_LEN],
SCTP_ulpCallbacks ULPcallbackFunctions)
you find the respective assignments.
When the actual association is established (either as client or as
server), an association structure is initialized. This structure
contains pointers to modules that belong to an association
(we called them stream engine, flow controller, rtx-controller, bundling
module, receive controller, SCTP-controller, and pathmanagement etc.)
Each of these contains parameters that belong in some way to it,
rather than to other modules. So, e.g. pathmanagement contains counters
for errors that have occurred on a certain path, and also the
timeout parameters.
In function pm_newPathman(), which is called when the association
is being created, the RTO parameter is set with the function
It is a bit complicated, but that complication was introduced with
the functions for setting/getting status values for SCTP instances,
associations and paths.

As for how to set/get the respective values, I would refer you to
look into the example programs, for example echo_tool.c
which Michael has so nicely written.

Best regards,
- --

Andreas Jungmaier

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\|/ _____ \|/ Andreas Jungmaier, Dipl.-Ing.
"@'/ , . \`@" University of Essen
ajung AT
/_| \___/ |__\ -> Computer Networking Tel. : +49 (0201) 183-7636
\___U_/ Technology Group <-
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