I was wanting to compare the data loss with and
without the t3-rtx retransmission but without changing anything. I mean I wanted
to keep saving chunks in rtx buffer till they are acknowldged and adjust the
values of cwnd and error counter just as it would if there was retranmission.
The onlything i don't want to do or shut off is retransmitting chunks. In
flowcontrol.c in the sctplib in teh function " void fc_timer_cb_t3_timeout" i
tried to comment out lines of that whole "for" loop. But somehow every time i
deactivated the primary path to trigger retransmission, a handover started
but then just halted on the othe side(the server)..which kept on sending me (the
cleint) the same sack of data even though I teh client was constatnly sending
new data. I mean the other side just seemed to be unresponsive to my data..and
did not handover to the new path. It kind of hanged sending the same sack agaain
and again.
I was wondering if there was any other way to keep
everything same but just shut off the retransmission of data....due to this
t3-rtx expiry...
Gurpreet Virdi
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