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[SCTP-Discussion] About the SCTP checksum

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Luca Papotti <Luca.Papotti AT>
  • To: discussion AT
  • Subject: [SCTP-Discussion] About the SCTP checksum
  • Date: Mon Jul 9 17:51:01 2001
  • List-id: SCTP Discussions <>

Hi all,
I have a question about the SCTP checksum.
The RFC defines a single checksum covering the entire packet.
This could lead to inefficient behaviour in the case of data
corruption, 'cause an error in a single DATA CHUNK results in the
of all other DATA CHUNKS eventually boundled in the same packet.
This, combined whit the need to re-compute the Adler-32 checksum 4 the entire
is an overhead, I think.
Do You know the reason of this choice, or what I missunderstand ??

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