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RE: [SCTP-Discussion] About the SCTP checksum

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Tuexen Michael <Michael.Tuexen AT>
  • To: "'discussion AT'" <discussion AT>
  • Subject: RE: [SCTP-Discussion] About the SCTP checksum
  • Date: Tue Jul 10 10:46:00 2001
  • List-id: SCTP Discussions <>

Dear all,

the SCTP checksum provides packet integrity, not DATA chunk integrity.
Therefore the SCTP header is included in the checksum calculation.
Something you won't have with only checksumming DATA chunks. And what
about control chunks?

So I think you need a fast checksum (or CRC) for the whole packet. If this
is not enough for user data, the ULP can use a digest to provide higher
integrity. This has not to be recalculated in case of retransmission.
See for example
Best regards

Michael Tuexen Tel.: +49 89 722 47210
Siemens AG Fax: +49 89 722 48212
ICN WN CS SE 5 E-mail:
Michael.Tuexen AT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luca Papotti
> [SMTP:Luca.Papotti AT]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 5:50 PM
> To:
> discussion AT
> Subject: [SCTP-Discussion] About the SCTP checksum
> Hi all,
> I have a question about the SCTP checksum.
> The RFC defines a single checksum covering the entire packet.
> This could lead to inefficient behaviour in the case of data
> corruption, 'cause an error in a single DATA CHUNK results in the
> retransmission
> of all other DATA CHUNKS eventually boundled in the same packet.
> This, combined whit the need to re-compute the Adler-32 checksum 4 the
> entire
> packet,
> is an overhead, I think.
> Do You know the reason of this choice, or what I missunderstand ??
> Thank's.
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> discussion mailing list
> discussion AT

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