Hello Jos,
I compiled sctp.lib with Visual Studio .Net, but I think that it will work quite the same with Studio V6.
In order to compile your own version you need sctplib-1.0.1.
Open a new project. You need all the .c-files and .h-files from the sctplib-1.0.1/sctplib/sctp directory except sctp.h. Make a directory ‘include’ in your project directory and add glib.h and glibconfig.h to this directory.
Change the properties of your project: In the Common Property Page the Configuration Type should be Static Library (.lib). In the C/C++ Page go to the Common Properties and type the path of your include directory to the Additional Include Directories
Compile your project. I hope it works.
Best regards
Irene Rüngeler
***************************************** Dipl.-Inform. Irene Rüngeler Fachhochschule Münster, Abt. Steinfurt FB Elektrotechnik und Informatik Labor für Netzwerkprogrammierung, Datenbanklabor Stegerwaldstr. 39 EMail: I.Ruengeler AT fh-muenster.de Von:
discussion-admin AT sctp.de [mailto:discussion-admin AT sctp.de] Im Auftrag von Bylemans Jos
Hello, I am trying to compile a server as stored under winsctplib for WINDOWS XP with Microsoft studio V6. During compilation the linker will give the problem 'sctp.lib(distribution.obj) : fatal error LNK1190: invalid fixup found, type 0x000C' When I check the manuals for this linker-fault it tells me that I must re-compile the sctp.lib. Now
I have next question: I thank
you for your cooperation,
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