hiNo, this is not state in the socket API ID. It is from RFC 3758 and makes
I am confused as how to use partial reliability (PR) in my application.
Does the parameter in sctp_sendmsg() "timetolive" provide PR semantics
or there is something else required to exploit PR.
As stated out in SCTP socket API draft, lifetime parameter in RFC 2960
is different from the timed-reliability service in a way that if
"if SCTP has sent the first transmission before the lifetime expires,
then the message MUST be sent as a normal reliable message." which
means retransmissions of the message even if lifetime expires until
its ACK is received.
Currently one one PR-SCTP service is defined and this service is
"When the "timed reliability" service is invoked, this latter
restriction is removed." By later it definitely means retransmisions
Now in sctp_sendmsg() I guess "timetolive" corresponds to "lifetime"
parameter which means it does not provide PR semantics?.
I hope it is clear now.
I hope somebody could clear this out as what exactly is PR and how to
use it in an application using sctp library. It would be really
helpful to give an
example here.
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