- From: Thomas Dreibholz <dreibh AT iem.uni-due.de>
- To: rcl AT ihug.co.nz
- Cc: discussion AT sctp.de
- Subject: Re: [SCTP-Discussion] ext_poll problem
- Date: Tue May 23 17:22:01 2006
- List-id: SCTP Discussions <discussion.sctp.de>
On Monday 22 May 2006 01:30,
rcl AT ihug.co.nz
There is a problem with ext_poll in socketapi-1.7.0.
The use of the getdtablesize() function is incorrect.
E.g., on my system, it is returning 256, which is less than
the fake file descriptor values (around 1024) used by
sctplib. Then of course ext_select ignores the FDs passed
The socket API uses a field of FD_SETSIZE entries. ext_select() always uses
this constant. May be, you are using a very old version of the socket API. I
think I have removed some getdtablesize() calls a long time ago.
Nevertheless, I fixed the allocation of socket API FDs starting from
getdtablesize()-1. This should solve eventual problems.
A minimal patch to fix this is below, although I think it
would be preferable to implement ext_poll directly, rather
than going through ext_select.
There are someother minor problems with ext_select and
ext_poll (not fixed in my patch).
1. In ext_select, the logic for filling in the returned
bitmasks appears to be done twice - you clear out the
bitmasks, fill them, clear them out a second time and fill
them in again.
No, the first step iterates the SCTP sockets (based on the Condition object
hierarchy); the second step interates the non-SCTP sockets (based on the
sctplib's user callback).
2. The return values from ext_poll and ext_select are not
quite correct.
A successfull call to ext_poll is meant to return the number
of pollfd.revent fields filled in with non-zero values.
Currently it just returns what ext_select returns.
A successfull call to ext_select is meant to return the
total number of bits set in the FDs on return. This does
not appear to be calculated correctly.
I will fix this problem.
3. For the case where the FD sets are empty, the return
value is not correct. You fall back to doing:
but ignore the return value (which may be -1, EINTR).
I will fix this problem.
4. I think the getErrnoResult function used in the
errno_return macro, is not correct in the success case. It
sets errno=0. The Unix logic is to not change errno on
success, I believe.
I think it is not incorrect to set errno to 0, but it is clearly not
necessary. Therefore, I will remove this code.
PS. Is there a cvs (or other version control) of sctplib
and socketapi available?
I will provide you a tarball of the latest version after I have fixed the
problems. We will also release a new version quite soon, since I have fixed
various problems in sctplib and socketapi since the last release.
Best regards
Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Dreibholz
University of Essen, Room ES210
Inst. for Experimental Mathematics Ellernstraße 29
Computer Networking Technology Group D-45326 Essen/Germany
dreibh AT exp-math.uni-essen.de
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